2019年建筑环境和生态设计国际会议 (ICBEED 2019) △. 会议介绍 2019年建筑环境和生态设计国际会议 (ICBEED 2019) 将于2019年12月26至28日在日本京都研究公园团会议部召开。ICBEED 2019由国际生物和环境研究学会(IBERI)主办 。 2019年建筑环境和生态设计国际会议为来自世界各地的研究学者、工程师、学会会员以及建筑环境和生态设计相关领域的*们提供一个关于建筑环境和生态设计相关领域的研究成果和技术发展的交流平台,致力于促进人类社会、自然和地球的可持续发展。我们热忱欢迎广大作者提交较新的研究论文到ICBEED 2019,交流较新研究成果,探讨学术观点,建立商务关系,发展国际合作伙伴 △. 组委会 Conference Chair Prof. Masaru Tanaka, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan Program Co-Chairs Assoc. Prof. Wong Wah Sang, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Arif Kamal, Architecture Section, Aligarh Muslim University, INDIA Conference Program Committee Assoc Prof. Maria Martin-Morales, University of Granada, Spain Conference Technical committee Prof. Pilar Lopez Cornejo, Unoversity of Seville, Spain Prof. Ing. Milena Pavlikova, Department of Building Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague Prof. Ing. Zbyšek Pavlik, Department of Building Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague Prof. Snehal Agnihotri, Commerce and Science College, India Prof. Yan Yunjun, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Prof. B C Meikap, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India Prof. Muhammad Bashir Ibrahim, BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO - NIGERIA Prof. MUHAMMAD BASHIR IBRAHIM, BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO - NIGERIA Prof. Sohair Aly Aly hassan, National Research Center, Egypt Prof. Cheng Siong Chin,Newcastle University in Singapore Prof. MD AHSAN HABIB, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Prof. Khalid Battal Najim, University OF Anbar, Iraq Assoc Prof. Maria Martin-Morales, University of Granada, Spain Assoc Prof. Andre Carlos Silva,Federal University of Goias, Brazil Assoc Prof. Rajkumar Shankarrao Sirsam,Department of Chemical Engineering, University Institute if Chemical Technology, India Assoc Prof. Suksan Prombanpong, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand Assoc Prof. Ubolrat Wangrakdiskul, King Mongkut's of Technology North Bangkok. Production Engineering Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Thailand Assoc Prof. ABDUL MUTALIB LEMAN, UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA (UTHM), Malaysia Assoc Prof. DR. HALIZA ABDUL RAHMAN, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA (UPM), Malaysia Assoc Prof. BUI Quoc-Bao, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam Assoc Prof. SUAAD RIDHA, Mustansiriyah University, College of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department. Iraq Assoc Prof. Dr. Suniti Suparp, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand Dr. Yue Zhang, The University of Texas at Austin, United States Dr. Mohamed Infas Haja Mohideen, Charles University, Czech Republic Dr. Khoirina Dwi Nugrahaningtyas, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia Dr. Rafal Chodun, Faculty of Materials Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Dr. Muhammad Ahsan, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan Dr. Bruno Manuel Santos Castro Martins, CEGOT - Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Coimbra, Portugal Dr. Surawith Tunchaiyaphum, Southeast Asia University, Thailand Dr. Armando Pinto, Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal Dr. Fatemeh Tehrani, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran Dr. Aryan Amirkhani, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran Dr. IPEK F. BARUT, ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Turkey Dr. Panuwat JOYKLAD, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, SRINAKHARINWIROT UNIVERSITY, Thailand Dr. UĞUR ALBAYRAK, ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSIY (ESOGU), Turkey Dr. Anupam Khajuria, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), Japan △.重要日期 投稿截止:2019年9月10日 通知:2019年9月30日 注册截止:2019年10月15日 △. 会议出版 ICBEED 2019 投稿的全文将进行**审阅,至少2-3位*审稿之后,被录用并注册的文章将出版到 "Materials Science Forum" (ISSN: 1662-9752), 将被Ei Compendex and SCOPUS和SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Inspec检索。 △. 论文评审及出版 1、论文必须是英文稿件,且论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。发表论文的作者需提交全文进行**评审,只做报告不发表论文的作者只需提交摘要。 2、论文必须要有摘要、题目、作者、单位、必要的图标、结果、主要参考文献等。 3、论文需按照会议官网的模板排版,不得少于6页。 4、审稿流程:本次会议采用先投稿,先送*评审的方式进行,审稿周期约2周。 5、投稿流程:投稿→审稿→录用→缴费→开具发票→论文集→提交检索。 △. 主讲* Prof. Nobuo Mishima, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University, Japan Prof. Masaru Tanaka, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan Assoc. Prof. Wong Wah Sang, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong △. 投稿主题 建筑设计 / 建筑环境 / 可持续设计 / 建筑处理 / 环境工程 / 建筑环境 / 设计创新 / 生命循环成本设计 / 能源交流 / 材料设计 / 科技建筑设计 / 建筑的改变形状 / 策略安全 / 可持续建筑 △. 会议注册费 一般注册费 现场注册费 一般作者 480 USD NO 学生 450 USD NO ** 430 USD NO 只报告 400 USD 450USD 听众 350 USD 380 USD *二篇文章 380 USD NO **页费 30 USD NO 纸质版书 50 USD NO 一日游 80 USD 100 USD △.会议交通 1. From Kansai International Airport to Kyoto City A. MK Skygateshuttle This service takes you directly to your destination. A Shuttle reservation is required 2 days before your arrival date. The Meeting point (MK counter) is located next to Gate H of the airport South Exit. Traveling time is about 120 minutes. B. Kansai Airport Limited Express HARUKA, by Japan Railway(JR) Traveling time to Kyoto Station is 75 minutes. The tickets can be purchased at the station office. C. Limousine Bus, by KATE (Kansai Airport Transportation Enterprise) This bus leaves every 30-40 minutes. Traveling time to JR Kyoto Station is about 85 minutes. The tickets can be purchased from vending machines located near the bus stops. 2. From JR Kyoto Station to KRP A. Taxi 10 minutes (Approx. 1,000 JPY) B. JR San-in (Sagano) line (Local) Please get off at the second stop, Tambaguchi Station (4 minutes, 140 JPY). 4 minutes to walk from the station to Kyoto Research Park.